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<h1>Quick Little Hands</h1>
<h2>Overall Story Line</h2>
On a dystopian, futuristic Earth a young boy runs away from his over-protective grandmother but is picked up by a gang of thieves. The group take advantage of his need for kinship but eventually teach him morals in a way his grandmother never could.
Young Lucas and his grandmother are living in a small apartment building, trying to survive against the natural and unnatural events that have transformed the world into a dangerous place. His grandmother is slowly succumbing to old age and attempts to prepare Lucas for what he eventually has to do, leave the shelter and survive on his own in a world gone awry. Lucas finds detest in her and the superficial lessons she provides, still blaming her for the disappearance of his mother and father. Taking her shelter for granted, Lucas runs away but finds the real world to be more harsh than he anticipated. The story begins on this fateful night.
<div id="intro-hand"><img src="rsrc/media/hand_print.png"></div>
<<link "Backstory." "Backstory">> <div id="start-button"><<link "Start." "Chapter 1">></div>
<<cacheaudio "intro" "rsrc/media/intro_music.mp3">>
<<audio "intro" loop play volume 0 fadeto 0.7>><<back>>
It is the year 2198, just twenties years after “The Great Un-Plug”. Before this day, Earth wielded technology capable of sustaining a large virtual network where privileged members of society could replace their limited reality with a life-like, un-hindered alternative for a hefty annual subscription. The technology was new, and as a result, still quite expensive. This fact created a social divide where only about fifty percent of Earth's residents could afford access to this new frontier. Earth Two, as it later became known, was practically limitless and quickly transformed into the highlight of the century. An entirely new social infrastructure was developed. Laws were established and punishments drafted. Naturally, as more time was spent within Earth Two, less was spent in Earth One and the remaining population quickly grew resentful. After much civil dispute (and coaxing from international government leaders), Earth Two was finally declared “free-to-use”. Although the lure of living in the (nearly) infinite realm proved too much for most, a sizable group of the population flatly refused to participate. Lucas's grandmother was one of them.
The Great Un-Plug came when the Earth's natural magnetic poles unexpectedly flipped (or something else happened, I'm still not sure). By this time, Earth Two participants were not only physically connected to the system but were emotionally and mentally bonded to the fate of their virtual world. Power systems all across the globe were only interrupted for about 30s, but the Earth Two failed at a catastrophic level and the entire simulation stopped for every one of it's 7 billion members during that time. People were suddenly waking from their near-perfect existence and being forced to remember that the real world was hellish in comparison. Some didn't even survive the switch, usually those who had been in for more than several years straight. The sudden impact of the real Earth destroyed the minds of approximately 800 million people instantly. Earth Two naysayers had a field day and the mass extinction was enough to convince a lot of people that perhaps being bonded to a massive virtual simulation wasn't such a great idea. Unfortunately, approximately 5.2 billion people were suffering from “post-virtual stimuli” syndrome and eager to return to their version of the “real world”.
A massive dispute broke out amongst the people of Earth. Some demanded that Earth Two replace the former and the rest demanded the opposite. The dilemma was unsolvable by any conventional means, but people tried. The Great Debate was televised on the second anniversary of the Great Un-Plug. Leaders from around the world attended and represented both sides. Progress was eternally slow. Pros and cons were made for each side, but neither were willing to budge and the standstill continued. Effort was made to devise a plan where each party could keep what they wanted but splitting a population in two wasn't easy. Just as progress was finally being made, a rouge radical broke into the meeting and began firing into the stands with automatic weapons. He was quickly dispatched, but managed to slay 22 people. Chaos ensued, within the Great Debate and outside it. Both sides blamed the other despite the death toll being even. Small skirmishes broke out in the middle-east, then in the south-east where the governments were already unstable. China saw civil war rage within it's borders. Several countries attempted to help them put out the proverbial fires but it was already too late. Famine and disease crept in, and times grew desperate. Virtual time became a drug and a vital commodity. Earth One began to burn, and anyone who managed to squelch their opinion for one side or the other hid indoors.
<<back>>"Run. Just keep running."
"I don't care about her. I don't care about anyone."
"Who needs 'em."
"Not me."
<<link "Run." "Chapter 1 - Run">>
<<audio "intro" fadeout>>
<<cacheaudio "rain_loop" "rsrc/media/rain_loop.ogg">>
<<cacheaudio "running_loop" "rsrc/media/running_loop.ogg">>
<<audio "rain_loop" loop play volume 0 fadeto 0.7>>
<<audio "running_loop" loop play volume 0 fadeto 0.1>>Lucas pattered across the wet sidewalk weaving and bobbing through tall groups of people. Each body was wrapped in a wet, plastic raincoat that warped their figure and made them seem ominous to young Lucas. He had dreams of seeing the people that walked the night and could sometimes watch them from his window but he didn't like them now.
Of course he had left without <i>his</i> rain jacket. He was so angry that he didn't even care. Atleast he was on his own now, free from that prison.
"You still have me, Lucas!" A green light pulsed on the face of a small display screen embedded within Lucas's arm.
'I know T33T0, thank you. Just do be quite. Remember, we're outside now and I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea.' He could feel T33T0 hum in response, a sensation he had long grown accustom too. Artifical intelligence implants have always been primarily for the upper-class, but Lucas was lucky.
<div><<link "Just keep running." "Chapter 1 - Run 2">></div>
Lucas continued down the sidewalk until he came to the end of the street, where he stopped for a moment. It was cold and dark. Lucas was beginning to regret leaving, but a part of him felt more alive than ever.
Tall buildings grew out of the ground on either side of him. They seemed to stretch forever towards the sky, always yearning for more.
He peared back at his small apartment building just barely visible beneath the dense rain. Even as he watched, he could see a small face protrude frantically from the open, second-story window and scan the ground below.
Lucas wrapped his moist sweatshirt tight around him, took one final look at his home and ran further into the night.
<<link "Chapter 2." "Chapter 2">>
<<audio "running_loop" fadeout>>It was still early in the morning. The city could be heard waking from it's slumber, eager for the coming day. Chatter picked up and cars drove by.
The rain had stopped, but Lucas woke up cold and shivering. He had spent the night sleeping in an alley behind a supermarket. He sat up from the hard pavement and pain shot through his ribs. He massaged them gently.
His grey sweatshirt lay on the ground beside him, still soaking wet. His slim, black jeans were dirty and bore small tears. He had removed his white sneakers and socks, both layers thoroughly drenched.
His stomach growled.
He lifted his body off the pavement and brushed away the dirt. Then, he shook out his shoes and smushed his feet back into them.
<<link "Get some food." "Chapter 2 - Supermarket">>
<<audio "rain_loop" fadeout>>A small fire battled the coming night. Lucas was sitting on a damp log at the edge of the flames, watching them dance and sputter.
"Alright kid we got a good one for you tonight." A voice from the shadows.
Lucas peered over the smoke and caught a glimpse of Riker strolling towards him. Lucas took a moment to appreciate his quick, effortless stride. He wasn't a particularly tall man, but his long legs helped him move quietly even at great haste. Riker wore a weathered leather jacket that hugged his trim figure tightly. His shaved head and narrow face weren't very flattering, but his many talents had long ago earned him the utmost respect as the leader of this guild of Thieves.
Riker sat next to Lucas in an old, brown rocking chair and adjusted his wide-brim hat. Light from the fire played on his face and distorted his features.
"You finally ready for the big ones champ?" He eyed Lucas with a mocking grin that wrapped around his face. "Personally, I think your're gonna get shot. But we'll see." Riker reached into his jacket and withdrew a small, plastic chip. He massaged it around his hand for a moment before tossing it at Lucas. The chip spun in the dim, evening light and landed in Lucas's lap.
<<link "Pick up the chip." "Chapter 3 - The Plan">>
<div id="sparks" class="horizontal-center">
<img id="sparks-image" src="rsrc/media/sparks.gif">
<<cacheaudio "fire_loop" "rsrc/media/fire_loop.ogg">>
<<audio "fire_loop" loop play volume 0 fadeto 0.9>>Lucas is sitting in his grandmother's lap. He is small and wrapped almost completely in her apron. It smells of pine and raisins. She is rocking back and forth in a large, brown rocking chair with a thin book propped up on her knees.
She is reading Lucas's favorite, the Earth Two activity book.
"Can you read the hiking one grandma?" Lucas points to the list of activities on the contents page. "Of course," she says.
<<link "Turn the page." "Chapter 4 - Hiking Activity">>
<<cacheaudio "hum" "rsrc/media/hum.ogg">>
<<audio "hum" play volume 0 fadeto 0.9>>
<<audio "fire_loop" fadeout>>Lucas picked up the silicon chip and rolled up his left sleeve. He slid the cool, square object into a small crevasse beneath T33T0's display. He could feel T33T0 processing the data - small tingles shot up his arm. On the screen, T33T0 began to organize the files by category.
<div class="horizontal-center"><img id="data" src="rsrc/media/data.gif"></div>
"That's everything you should need to know about the job. I'm sending Ava with you, hopefully she can keep you alive."
Lucas looked up at Riker. "I really don't think I need-". Riker held up his hand, silencing Lucas.
"I don't care kid. I invested a lot in you, and I don't mean to get screwed over now. You leave in two hours. Make sure you know the building in-side and out, you're gonna run into some security."
Riker left.
<<link "Look at the files." "Chapter 3 - The Plan 2">>
<div id="sparks" class="horizontal-center"><img id="sparks-image" src="rsrc/media/sparks.gif"></div>Just like Riker said, it was everything he - <i>they</i> - needed. Blueprints, images, camera locations, occupant schedules, estimated pathway distances, emergency exit plans and even a hostage plan if things got sticky. Lucas went through each set of data with T33T0, making sure he understood everything to the best of his ability.
At the end, a single digital document was labeled "The Prize". Riker had always considered the ebb and flow of thieves, 'victims' and security to all be an elaborate game - complete with prizes for the winner.
Lucas opened the digital document and felt his blood run cold. A small image looking through the window of the second-story office showed an Earth Two cannister-bed laying against the far side of the wall.
<div class="horizontal-center"><img id="pod-image" src="rsrc/media/earth_two_pod.jpg"></div>
The Earth Two pod was the gateway to heaven - or at least the closest thing to it in a crumbling world. It was what Lucas had been waiting for.
<<link "Examine the Earth Two pod" "Chapter 3 - The Pod">>
<div id="sparks" class="horizontal-center"><img src="rsrc/media/sparks.gif"></div><<link "Chapter One" "Chapter 1">>
<<link "Chapter Two" "Chapter 2">>
<<link "Chapter Three" "Chapter 3">>
<<link "Chapter Four" "Chapter 4">>
<<link "Chapter Five" "Chapter 5">>Lucas's eyes shot open, he hadn't meant to fall asleep. The day was long gone and the night had already dawned a deep, inky darkness.
Lucas rubbed his eyes.
"T33T0 what tim-"
"11:30pm sir, I was just about to wake you."
Lucas released one long yawn and sat up in his chair.
"Well, I suppose we should start reviewing the plan then hmm?"
Lucas and T33T0 began to comb through the details provided by Riker. The entry point was easy enough, a high window on the second story. The emergency plans all made sense but the primary objective didn't. "Dismantle and secure the Earth Two Pod."
Ava had lied.
<<link "Find Ava." "Chapter 5 - Finding Ava">>
<<audio "hum" fadeout>>"Hey you! You're looking a little sweaty over there, you okay?" Ava had snuck up on him, her favorite pastime.
"I'm fine," Lucas responded. With a flick of his wrist T33T0 went dark. He could feel Ava lurking somewhere behind him but before he could turn around, two small, cold hands each grabbed a fist-full of his hair and pulled him backwards.
Ava's face blocked out the waking stars. "You ready to burn that Earth Two shit or what? I've been waiting for this day for... well forever!" She threw her hands up and let Lucas slide to the ground. He picked himself up and turned to face Ava.
"What do you mean <i>burn</i> it? We're not taking it?" Lucas immediately regretted the question. Ava gave him a quisical glance.
"Why would you want to <i>take</i> it? That tech is scummy Lucas. All those rich bastards just melting their brains in a virtual world. You think that's right? Is that what life is meant to be?"
Lucas cast his eyes at the ground. "Well... no... I just thought-"
"Well you thought wrong then shithead!" Ava interrupted him. "Just make sure you know the plan, and don't get any ideas. We're burning the damn thing down. I'll see you at midnight."
Lucas sunk into the empty rocking chair and stared again into the fire. Slowly, his mind drifted away.
<<link "Chapter 4" "Chapter 4">>
<<cacheaudio "bushes" "rsrc/media/bushes.ogg">>
<<audio "bushes" play volume 0 fadeto 0.9>>
<div id="sparks" class="horizontal-center"><img src="rsrc/media/sparks.gif"></div>
Grandma begins to read.
"Today we're going for a hike! With Earth Two, we can pick any mountain. Which one should we hike?"
On the page, pictures of tall mountains all over the world are shown. Lucas touches one with his index finger.
"Mt. Makalu? That's a tough one! Now, let's pick our gear."
Lucas selects a backpack, shoes, clothes and safety gear.
"With Earth Two, you can also hike with your friends! Would you like to..." grandma tails off and turns the page.
"Why do you always do that grandma?" Lucas turns to look at her.
"I... I just don't want you to be disappointed. That's all." She stretches a smile.
"Don't worry grandma, we'll have Earth Two someday. Then we can go hiking with Mom and Dad!" Lucas turned back to the activity book.
He didn't see his grandmother's face turn solemn. She had told him too much, too long ago. Someday he would realize.
<<link "Chapter 5" "Chapter 5">>
<<cacheaudio "turn_page" "rsrc/media/turn_page.ogg">>
<<audio "turn_page" play volume 0.3>>Lucas left his sweatshirt in the alley and made his way out into a busy intersection. The supermarket was directly to his left.
His stomach reminded him of it's hunger.
He strode towards the double sliding doors and casually entered the store. He must have looked quite grusome, as a few people close to the entrance immediately became weary of his presence.
He grabbed a small, hydraulic cart and started it up. It whirled and buzzed for a moment before requesting an identification scan. Lucas rolled up his sleeve and allowed the shopping cart to scan T33T0's unique id. The automatic cart syncced with his implant and acknowledged that it was ready to assist.
Lucas, with a his shopping cart in tow, quickly hopped from one aisle to another.
<<link "Gather supplies." "Chapter 2 - Supermarket 2">>
Lucas hurried to a payment center, eager to eat. The cart priced and bagged each item and presented Lucas with a total.
Lucas sighed when he saw that the amount was far more than he had anticipated. He quickly began to sort through the items and keep only the most essential of materials.
Before he could remove a single item from the cart, a small, sharp voice whispered in his ear.
"Play it cool."
In a single, smooth motion a young girl tipped the contents of his cart into a slim bag that hung from her shoulder. Her small hands worked quickly to zip the bag and settle the items within it.
Lucas managed to stammer a response but a cold, silencing look from the girl was enough to shut him up. She turned and strode towards the exit.
<<link "Play it cool." "Chapter 2 - Supermarket 3">>
Lucas watched in stunned disbelief for a moment. He didn't want to steal anything, but he wasn't sure what to do. He needed the food, that was for certain but he wasn't that desperate yet. He didn't know if the young girl was helping him, or using him.
A low hum ruptured his thought process. A security drone wheeled past him in the direction of the exit, it's electrical engine pulsing with anger. Lucas sighed and followed it down the length of the store.
The young girl was cornered by two security machines, each taking turns questioning her and demanding some type of identification. Lucas whispered to T33T0, "What do you think T, 400?" T33T0 blinked in affirmation.
Lucas caught the girl's attention, held up five fingers and nodded towards the sliding doors about fifteen meters away. He made a bee-line for the security droids. He was about two meters away when he clenched his left fist. T33T0 crackled for a brief moment then let out a deafening pop. A small wave of Electro-magnetic energy eminated away from Lucas and both machines wound down to a calm stop.
The girl was already heading for the exit and Lucas followed pace.
<<link "Chapter 3" "Chapter 3">>Lucas crept back through the heart of the thieves camp and headed towards Ava's small sector high in a tall oak tree. Lucas stood at the base of the tree and let out a sharp whistle.
No response.
"She has most likely already left," said T33T0. Lucas had come to the same conclusion. "We need some help here."
Lucas ran to Riker's tent at the center of camp and produced a low whistle. After a few moments, rustling could be heard from within. Riker poked his head out the front wearing a inquisitive look.
"What's up Lucas? Last minute questions?"
"It's Ava, she wants to burn the Earth Two. I didn't realize she was going against your plan until just now."
Riker sighed. "Always taking the radical approach, that one. Well, let's go see what she's up to. Hopefully we're not too late." Riker stepped out of the tent and into the night.
<<link "Follow Riker." "Chapter 5 - Finding Ava 2">>
After a few minutes careening through the night, Riker came to a sudden halt. A dim glow lay on the horizon like a tiny sunrise.
"That doesen't bode well..." Riker stared at the faint glow for a moment and then doubled his pace.
The glow grew brighter as they neared it. After a few minutes they could smell smoke. A few more and they see it flicker in the night. Eventually, Riker and Lucas passed through a sparse, dying forest and into an open courtyard. In the distance the target house was being eaten by flames.
The house was clearly old and still made with combustable components. It had a large balcony jutting out from the second floor. Here, Ava was standing looking out over the stone courtyard.
Riker thrust his pointer finger in her direction. "Look!" he said.
Lucas could see small black dots spiraling around her. She seemed to be talking to them. Lucas could hear her voice faintly in the distance.
"...days are numbered...new kings will rise...upper-men will fall..."
"She... she's talking to the cam-bots..." muttered Riker. "This isn't good..."
Lucas looked up at Riker and found terror in his expression. "I'm sorry, I don't understand. What's she doing with the bots?"
Riker turned to look at Lucas. "She's starting a war, Lucas, and it's a war we cannot hope to win."