My creative construction is driven primarily by my work ethic and obsession with detail. I strive to produce content that I am proud to call my own and that exists exactly as I had intended with little compromise. This, along with my fascination for anything futuristic or technological pushed me towards a electronic major. To balance this, I try to incorporate humor into my work wherever possible. I enjoy animation of all kinds and have experimented with it for different projects although I haven’t yet fulfilled my dream of producing a claymation short.
A few of the New Media strategies have really stuck with me. I just recently discovered the Do It Yourself movement and was surprised to learn just how large it is. I agree that our economic model of dependency seems to be backfiring and the DIY movement promises a peaceful way out. Crowdsourcing is also a term that I learned this year. Although I have not personally been able to harness its true power it turns out that a lot of the content on the web is in existence because of crowdsourcing. Many applications that I use regularly utilize Open Source ideals where anyone can participate in building a program or other type of software under specific CopyLeft laws.
Over the years I have learned to realize programming not only as a fantastic building tool but as an art form too. I have taken this affinity for computer code and used it to jump easily into web design and mobile application development. New Media has helped me to become not only a code junkie but a designer to back it up. I have developed an appreciation for the arts like never before and use this new-found passion to generate quality work that I’m always proud to carve my name into.