1.) Skipping Only Zones [Installation]

Premise: Put up signs declaring a particular section of a walkway, crosswalk or path to be a ‘skipping only zone.’ I thought this would be interesting if used on campus.
From http://www.spontaneousinterventions.org
“For most, the choice route to and from work (or anywhere, for that matter) is the fastest, most direct, or most familiar. Bent on breaking up the monotony of rote passage by introducing a little fun, Sierra Seip and Alison Uljee created Skipping Only Zones, with signs that riff off the standard pedestrian-crossing sign installed at various crosswalks, sidewalks, and pedestrian paths throughout New York City. The designers were heartened to see people follow their sign’s prompt, goofily skipping across streets or bonding with strangers over a funny, shared moment. Skipping Only Zones is part of Seip and Uljee’s larger project, Design That Moves You, a series of urban interventions that uses fun as a motivator for increased physical activity and social interaction.”
Created by: Sierra Seip and Alison Uljee
New Media Strategies:
Mobilize People (get people thinking)
Other Resources:
2.) Stairway Stories [Installation]

Premise: Make large cut-outs of a simple story and past the lines on the face of stairs (not the top) starting at the bottom.
From http://www.spontaneousinterventions.org
Would you forgo the elevator if climbing stairs promised a great story? That’s what industrial designers Alison Uljee and Sierra Seip hope to achieve with Stairway Stories, which is a part of their larger project, Design That Moves You, aimed at combating obesity through public design interventions. Stairway Stories entices people to take the stairs, with snippets of a story adhered to ascending risers. Uljee and Seip tested their project at the High Line park, posting a sign on an elevator suggesting visitors make the two-flight climb. Those opting for exercise were rewarded with “a romantic and educational encounter between two angler fish.” It might have been more work, but then “Her gorgeous face glowed…”
Created by: Sierra Seip and Alison Uljee
New Media Strategies:
Mobilize People (get people thinking)
Other Resources: