

Moonshine is a simple game I made while experimenting with the MIT programming language, Scratch. The assignment was to design a game that the user can play without a keyboard or a mouse.

Scratch has a few built-in ‘blocks’ (functions) that allow you to utilize the webcam in a variety of ways. In this game, the user simply swipes his/her hand over the missiles to destroy them. Bombs spawn from the top of the screen and work their way downward towards the players base. The green health bar denotes the health of the base currently. This bar will progress from green at full health to black at one health left. If a missile gets past the user when the bar is black, the game is over and a high score is tracked.

If you’re on a device with a webcam and want to check it out you can click the image below or follow this link. Read the instructions on the right then click the green flag to begin.



NMD 102 Final: Raindrops


For my NMD102 final project, I decided to engineer a ‘virtual poster’. I generally sleep much better during a rainy night, so I improvised a simple Processing sketch that would mimic a rain-storm. This particular sketch uses a light sensor built into the Arduino to increase or decrease the amount of drops on the screen. As the amount of light in the room fades, more drops will appear and vice-versa. The background also fades between a sunny habitat and a rainy one, depending on the amount of light available. With a dedicated computer and a small projector, it would be possible to project this application onto a window or a wall and produce a similar feeling to the one I always get on rainy days.


Data Structures in Processing

My goal for this project was to create an applet that would enable the creation of simple data structure trees. Functions such as addNode(), Height(), Size(), preOrder(), postOrder() and inOrder() were implemented to give the user more information about the tree he/she was forming. With this tool, users can visualize tree structures and hopefully grasp the primary concepts at an accelerated rate. I chose Processing because it uses Java and is great for visual projects.



Turtle ‘Pocalypse

This application is a simple simulation of numerous ‘Turtles’. These objects ‘wiggle’ in a random direction and continually move forward. A ‘Turtle World’ keeps track of where they are on the screen. This particular setup simulates a zombie invasion. The diseased (red) turtles will infect all living (green) turtles they come in contact with. Root for your favorite turtle! But don’t get too attached, they never last long.


Download TurtleZombies