Cultural Shift: Holochat Screencast
For the NMD 100 final project, my group theorized that Skype would develop a technology allowing 3D personal holograms to be projected piratically anywhere at any time. Essentially, as this technology worked its way into the mainstream culture it became the ‘ next big thing’ and holo-rooms became as common in the home as the computer is now. The Holochat system, combined with sensory input technology would allow anyone to go anywhere be able to interact with anything in the real world all from the comfort of their own homes. As one can imagine, we hypothesized what effect this technology might have on planet Earth – and it wasn’t pretty. This screencast depicts a typical owner of the Holochat system and how his world has been skewed without him even knowing it.
A link to the screencast video and website can be found here.
Apart from the screencast, I also wrote a short story depicting the world that Holochat has created.