
Graduate Application Interface

The University of Maine has many graduate programs and receives a large amount of applications for each on a daily basis. The Graduate Application Interface allows internal staff to manage the data associated with each applicant.

I began working on this project late into its development. I primarily helped finish core functionality but contributed a small amount to the general design of the interface as well. Part of my job was to finish implementing the query system. Although not pictured, input boxes eventually served as a way for the user to filter the data within the database.

Below is an image of the interface early in its development. The data shown is all sample data.

The project was created with HTML/CSS/JS, Apache/MySQL/PHP, Slim and Twig. The Graduate Application Interface helped me learn a bit about dealing with larger databases, built upon my previous knowledge of web technologies, introduced me to the process of separating concerns via a framework and the strategy of avoiding code repetition by utilizing the Twig templating engine.


Emera Astronomy Center Kiosk

The Emera Astronomy Center replaced UMaine’s older center and was opened to the public in October of 2014. Part of the contract with Emera asked for an informational kiosk to be housed within the center.

Below is an image of the ‘Home’ screen. This is the root of the project although a screen saver is technically one level ‘above’ this. Click the image below to see the whole kiosk, or follow this link.


I worked with two other students over the course of several months to conceptualize, design, develop and deploy the kiosk. We used HTML/CSS/JS and several JavaScript libraries to create it. I became the lead designer but had a hand in almost every facet of development.



MarcelTV was a proof-of-concept site for an online video archival service. The system is meant to store, transcode and re-distribute older video content. Video art from earlier generations can then be preserved and streamed from modern-day devices.

Below is an image of the site late into its development.

The system is developed entirely with HTML/CSS/JS using the Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP stack. Looking back on the development phase, using some type of framework may have been advisable. Doing everything from scratch became exhausting but also served as a great learning experience.

I’m not sure how long ASAP will continue to host this project but if you would like to see it you can follow this link. Enter ‘marceltest’ for the username/password or register.