The University of Maine has many graduate programs and receives a large amount of applications for each on a daily basis. The Graduate Application Interface allows internal staff to manage the data associated with each applicant.
I began working on this project late into its development. I primarily helped finish core functionality but contributed a small amount to the general design of the interface as well. Part of my job was to finish implementing the query system. Although not pictured, input boxes eventually served as a way for the user to filter the data within the database.
Below is an image of the interface early in its development. The data shown is all sample data.
The project was created with HTML/CSS/JS, Apache/MySQL/PHP, Slim and Twig. The Graduate Application Interface helped me learn a bit about dealing with larger databases, built upon my previous knowledge of web technologies, introduced me to the process of separating concerns via a framework and the strategy of avoiding code repetition by utilizing the Twig templating engine.