
NMD Strategies 2

New Media Strategies Exercise 2: Invent your own many-to-many solutions


Pick one of the following problems and brainstorm a solution that embodies a many-to-many approach.


Problem: Student films are always set in dorms.

Develop a network of set seekers and owners. See the Many-To-Many Solutions for a detailed description of how this idea will plan out.


NMD Strategies 1

New Media Strategies Exercise 1: Which is the new media solution?


For each of the following capstone ideas, identify which solution embodies many-to-many principle, and explain why in one or more paragraphs. You should have at least 4 paragraphs, one for each problem.


1. Problem: A disappearing language

Ian Larson wanted to help preserve the Passamaquoddy language from extinction.

Solution A

Create a taskforce from a select group of Native American language experts, and ask them to write down a dictionary of words and their definitions. Enter these definitions into a database and build a Web site that allows anyone to search for terms and hear their pronunciation. Hire a high-profile Web designer and marketing firm to ensure that as many people as possible learn about this resource.

Solution B

Distribute laptops with video cameras to schoolkids in the Passamaquoddy community, and ask them to record their grandparents telling stories in Passamaquoddy. Upload these to a Web site along with the grandparents’ definitions of particular words used in the story, and make these words searchable via a tag cloud.


Answer: B is the New Media resolution.


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